We are not here to influence your decision

We support you in whatever choice you make.

Your decision to have an abortion is a personal one. It may be a difficult decision for you to make, or it may be an easy and obvious choice for you. You may also still be in the process of making your decision and are looking for more information.

You can call us to book an appointment to discuss your decision with our nurse counsellor or we can refer you to community based counsellors.

Our first goal is to support you through the process, whatever that process might be for you.

For more information about your options:

You may come across many anti-abortion websites that have frightening and inaccurate information about abortion.

Beware of "crisis pregnancy centres.”

Antichoice groups sometimes set up offices, distress centres, phone lines or “clinics” that pretend to help pregnant women with information and pregnancy tests.

Many of these groups try to influence vulnerable individuals to continue their pregnancy by frightening them. Some will say anything to have you keep your pregnancy.

Their information about gestational development, health risks, and after-effects of abortion may be incorrect. They may also attempt to delay the process, which could lead to a reduction in the number of options you have.

If you have any questions or concerns about what you’ve heard or read, please call us and we will help to answer them honestly and without bias.